
About us

We present the history and present of the company, the focus of production in the field of agrotechnics and the construction services offered.

Introducing the company


CERNIN DILY - production hall
CERNIN DILY - producer
28 years of manufacturing tradition

The primary production of spare parts, mostly for agricultural machinery, has been carried out under the CERNIN brand since 1996. Ing. Václav Černín founded the company as a natural person and since 2019 it continues as a limited liability company CERNIN DILY. With its establishment, a new era of development and production of machines and tools aimed mainly at livestock production began.

Today, CERNIN DILY focuses on increasing the life of spare parts and maximizing the efficiency of the production process with the introduction of the latest technologies. From 2023 onwards, we are developing soil erosion control equipment, which we will introduce in the near future.

Spare parts

Machine brands